Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama's Inauguration

Obama's Presidential Inauguration Speech can be found here.

I was watching the whole time it happened. In a way I cannot help but think of Obama as the American version of Erap Estrada. He was the long shot. The inexperienced guy, but to whom everyone can relate to, on top of being able to say everything that the people wanted to hear and more. However, Obama was greater than Erap in one respect, whereas Erap ended up dividing the nation after he won, Obama seems to be able to keep the states in America united after elections. I believe that is his biggest achievement to date.

However, despite the moving words I still found myself unsatisfied. His speech was no different from the speeches he gave as he was campaigning for the presidency two years ago. The speech yesterday was motivational but it was also playing safe. It never defined anything about his goals or upcoming projects. He did not even say whether he planned to continue or stop the war. His theme had always been about the need for change, and the need for action but he never told us the direction of where does this change plan to lead us.

The last time change was called for, it gave birth to Communism in Europe, and dictatorships in South America. I am now very wary of the changes that will happen to this century-long hegemon.

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